Hindi University | हिन्दी विश्वविद्यालय

ALO BUILDING: 37/2 Bhairab Dutta Lane, Nandibagan, Salkia, Howrah, 711106

Offline classes will commence from 16.11.21

Posted on November 15, 2021

As per Govt. Order 1058 Edn (CS) dated 28.10.21, offline classes will commence from 16.11.21, Tuesday.

For space constraint, the university authority has decided to call only Semester 3 students at present, that is, till shifting to the new temporary campus arranged by the Higher Education Department with the cooperation of the district administration of Howrah and the Howrah Municipal Corporation.

So Semester 1 classes will continue to be held online as before till further notice.
Semester 3 students of both Hindi and Anuvad Sahitya are asked to report for offline class tomorrow, Hindi students at 10.30 am and Anuvad Sahitya  students at 12.30 pm.
As teachers belong to different far off places and have to attend their own institutions, the details of offline class schedule will soon be worked out and communicated through the Course Coordinators.

As precautionary steps against the spread of pandemic and for individual health safety, the following are to be ensured:
1. Carrying vaccination certificate
2. Wearing mask
3. Using sanitizers
4. Maintaining physical distance
5. Following other Covid protocols on the campus as advised by the State Government in GO no. 1058 Een (CS) hosted on the website.
All concerned are requested to co-operate..

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