Hindi University | हिन्दी विश्वविद्यालय

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Notice for SCC Awareness

Posted on November 4, 2022

It is notified for all concerned that Duare Sarkar programme is being carried out by the Govt of West Bengal for helping the people of the state in the matter of availing themselves of the various schemes of the Government of West Bengal. One such scheme that comes under HED is Student Credit Card. Semester III students have been made aware of the benefits of the scheme and poster and information brochure of the scheme have also been sent to the Semester I students by registered email. These have also been walled up on University Notice Board.

Students are directed to come to the university office for any clarification required for availing themselves of the benefit and to visit the nearest Duare Sarkar camp for applying for any scheme for which they are eligible.

The university requests the students to submit the following information to university office for forwarding the same to higher authority:

Name of Student:



Date of Visit

Camp address


If visited, the hard copy of above information may be submitted or mailed to hindiunivwb@gmail.com on or before 09.11.22.

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