Hindi University | हिन्दी विश्वविद्यालय

ALO BUILDING: 37/2 Bhairab Dutta Lane, Nandibagan, Salkia, Howrah, 711106

Library Book

Posted on December 18, 2021

NOTICE No. Book/1 dated 8/12/21

Hindi University, Howrah, wants to purchase Text as well as Reference Books of two subjects (Hindi & Anuvad Sahitya) for the University Library. The Syllabus available on the University website contains the list of books required for each paper. At present only two copies of Text Books and one of copy of some Reference Books, prescribed for all the fours Semesters (I-IV), will be procured, subject of course to the availability of fund. In case the same book has been prescribed in both the syllabi, three copies will be purchased instead of four and the purchase of Reference book will be limited to one instead of two. Books are to be supplied positively within 15 days from the date of placing of Purchase Order by the university.

Interested sellers/ suppliers of books may quote the rate of maximum discount in their own Letterhead duly signed and dated. The payment will be made by cheque issued in the name of the agency printed on the Letterhead. Please attach credentials bearing testimony to expertise in book-supply.

Quotation is to be sent in sealed envelope and it must reach the University Office on or before 17.12.21.

The University reserves the right to cancel any or all quotations without assigning any reason.

Hindi University

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