Hindi University | हिन्दी विश्वविद्यालय
ALO BUILDING: 37/2 Bhairab Dutta Lane, Nandibagan, Salkia, Howrah, 711106
The number of applicants in Political Science, History and Translation Studies is much less than the member of seats approved by the government. Information has been received that some students could not apply for courses in Pol.Sc. and History within dateline because they overlooked the university notification. Inviting fresh applications in these subjects will not deprive candidates who have applied within dateline because they have already been given four chances for admission. Hence fresh applications are invited for PG Courses in Political Science, History and Translation Studies.
As UGC has recently made distance course at par with Regular, students graduating in the distance mode may also now apply for these three subjects.
The portal will remain open for five days – 01/10/22 to 05/10/22.
Fresh merit list for admission will be prepared in these subjects.
Candidates merit listed may not be considered for admission thereafter